Though inflation is expected to slowly decline next year, 2023 budget recommendations must still accommodate higher costs. Increased prices on essentials from building materials to office supplies cut into department budgets, already strained with the increased cost of labor.
While it may be tempting to reevaluate vendor agreements, here are three reasons why organizations should keep partnering with Claims Management Resources (CMR).
Here are 3 Ways CMR Helps Combat Inflation
1. Our Fee Structure
You’ve heard us say it before, but it bears repeating: We don’t get paid unless you do.
Our services aren’t a sunk cost each month—instead, we bill for a percentage of the amount we recover. Because of this model, our team is motivated to recover as much as possible as quickly as possible for your organization.
As a 100% contingency-based company, our method is unorthodox, but it drives us to excellence. There’s a reason we’ve been around for over 30 years!
2. Our Expertise
Speaking of our tenure in the industry, we’ve learned a lot over the past three decades, becoming the top experts in property damage claims recovery for utility companies and governmental entities.
Our expertise is unparalleled, and our highly skilled team is proven to get the job done. Specialized claims adjusters, researchers, analysts and more use their collective knowledge to recover more on claims at a fast rate. With over 200 employees solely focused on claims recovery, we beat every in-house shop with our knowledge and ability.
3. Our Recovery Rate
We make a dramatic difference to the bottom line. With the resources to review, pursue and close challenging claims, we generate unexpected revenue for your organization internal teams may not pursue.
For one DOT, we were able to increase recoveries by $30 million in one year. A regional utility company saw us more than double their recovery amounts in a year. On average, we recover 80% more than the industry average.
The amount recovered isn’t the only important factor, though. How quickly claims are invoiced and closed is also important. For DOTs in particular, we recover claims 50% faster than internal teams, adding important revenue to annual budgets, cushioning unexpected costs and improving projections.
Our team has the expertise, experience and motivation to recover on all types of property damage claims—using CMR is a no-brainer. Interested in learning more about our services? Contact me at jmusgrove@cmrclaims.com.