By: Michael Whitfield, Senior Subrogation Manager
The toughest claims often sit unresolved for years, until they are eventually given up – these claims are called Reported But Not Settled (RBNS). CMR knows this doesn’t have to be the norm.
Customer Situation
After CMR successfully recovered many claims for the Wyoming DOT, the state agency decided to unlock the archives and give CMR two of their oldest property damage claims. These eight-year-old claims had been tackled before by internal teams, but employees were making little progress. Outsourcing to CMR protected WYDOT employee efficiency and relied on our expertise to navigate the system.
How We Did It
- We noticed one of the claims required oversized permit expertise – and CMR has Senior Claims Law Associates, Attorneys and liability experts on staff to investigate. We discovered the DOT held the correct permits to support the claim’s recovery.
- We created a touchpoint every 10 days, whereas internal teams typically do so every 30 days.
- We have a team of over 200 people — which our clients have full access to. We don’t have a shortage of staff or bandwidth to navigate tough claims.
After eight years, CMR recovered one claim for $500,000 in just six months. The second claim was recovered for another $500,000 in 14 months.
Our expertise and persistence help us resolve claims for customers. And we don’t get paid until you do – that’s how confident we are in our team.