CMR Announces Historic Investment

By: Taylor Fudge

At Claims Management Resources (CMR), we’re a proud Lean Six Sigma (LSS) shop. Every operational process is tailored for efficiency, innovation and quality improvement, designed to produce results everyone can be proud of.

Lean Six Sigma is a team-focused, collaborative managerial approach that seeks to improve performance by eliminating resource waste and defects.

We know we’re only as good as our worst process. We also know the best people to provide innovative solutions are the ones who work in them every day — they just need the tools and encouragement.

In light of this philosophy, we’re organizing a historic investment in our personnel. Every employee will complete Lean Six Sigma white belt training, and every manager will complete Lean Six Sigma green belt training.

The Lean Six Sigma white belt training is entry-level to the managerial approach, designed to equip participants with basic practices of the system.

The Lean Six Sigma green belt training is for mid-level managers, as they expand upon the basic practices of the system to lead key projects and teams.

The best way we can invest in the future is to invest in our people, equipping them to think creatively and proactively about their work. Learning is lifelong, and developing our professionals is essential to our long-term success.

Our employees will gain skills in:

  • Problem-solving
  • Project leadership
  • Data analysis
  • Visual management systems
  • Process standardization

This valuable experience will equip our staff to provide creative solutions to everyday processes, striving for “better” instead of settling for “it’s always been done this way.”

By enhancing staff knowledge in these areas, our customers will be positively impacted by:

  • A deeper understanding of customer pain points
  • Innovative problem solving
  • Pursuit of efficient, effective results
  • Engaged, motivated employees

As our staff completes this training, we hope you will join us in celebrating their achievements and this historic investment in the future of our company.

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